
  • New Basic Safety Training in Palamós! The Palamós OPP is organising a basic safety training course from 22 October to 4 December at the Casa del Mar in Palamós.

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  • Attention! Beginning of the Mariner Fisherman Course in Palamós. The Palamós Producers’ Organisation (OPP) is offering the free Mariner Fisherman course from 30 September to 21 October at the Casa del Mar in Palamós.

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  • On 18 June, Miquel Mir, president of the Palamós OPP, and Cristina Mañas, manager of the Palamós Fishermen’s Guild, took part in an interview on Radio Capital to explain the collaboration between the OPP and the Áurea Foundation.

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  • On May 31st, the exhibition “Surcando Mares” will be inaugurated in collaboration with Kofradia – Itsas Etxea.

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  • On April 25th, the Producers Organization of Palamós (OPP) participated in the SeaFood 2024 fair, held in Barcelona.

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  • On Thursday 19 March, the assembly meeting of the Fish Producers’ Organisation took place at the Palamós Fishermen’s Guild.

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  • Next Monday 11th, Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th March the Girona Gastronomic Forum will take place at the Palau de Ferias de Girona.

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  • On Wednesday 6 and Thursday 7 March, the 10th meeting organised by the MSC under the title “Better together” will take place at the Palamós Fishing Museum.

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  • On Saturday 2 March, the 4th Forum of the Catalan Association of Women of the Sea took place in Barcelona at the BISC (Barcelona International Sailing Center), under the programme “Weaving networks for sustainability”.

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  • Last week, from 14th to 16th February, Oriol Trenchs, Head of Operations and Marketing of the Palamós Fish Producers’ Organisation, and Antonio Cayuela, a small-scale fisherman from the Palamós fishing fleet, travelled to Tarifa to learn new techniques and methods for tuna fishing.

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  • February is full of training courses! Take note of all the courses and training that we are promoting at the OPP.

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  • On Monday 19th February the Multipurpose Coastal Skipper course begins at the Confraria de Palamós. It lasts one year and is divided into three training periods: from 19/02 to 27/06, from 25/09 to 13/12 and the last part at the beginning of 2025. This is one of the different training courses offered by the Palamós Producers’ Organisation, which allows us to bring the sea and its nature closer to all those who wish to train in the fishing sector.

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  • On Thursday 16th November, took place the III edition of recognition for socially responsible companies in the Baix Empordà.  The Regional Council of Baix Empordà, together with all the town councils of the region with the support of the Department of Enterprise and Labour and the Department of Equality and Feminism of the Generalitat of Catalonia, recognised all those companies that have stood out for carrying out responsible actions, for their contribution to the social and economic development of the territory and for the integration and promotion of employment during the months of January to October of this year.

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  • Wednesday 15th November marked the beginning of the closed season for purse seine fishing on the Costa Brava. This closed period will end on 15 January 2024. The fishing fleet of the Fisherman Guild’s of Palamós is moored in port until the closure period ends.

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  • The Aquarium of Donosti hosted the 3rd edition of the Kofradia Itsas Etxea Sariak gala on 28 October. The director of the OPP, Cristina Mañas, and the president of the organization, Miquel Mir, were the representatives who collected the award. All those recognitions,  awarded during the gala, became an acknowledgement that the artisanal fishing sector makes to all theentities and people who have supported, communicatedand promoted the fishing sector.

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  • September indicates the beginning of the school year and also the return to routine for a large part of the population. The Palamós OPP has two new formative courses available for the beginning of the academic year.

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  • The fish workshop will be able to produce products for sale and will provide schools and health centers with local fish. The Organization of Fish Producers of Palamós (OPP) now has its own fish workshop: a new equipment that was created with the aim of producing products for sale, bringing local fish to communities such as schools and health centers in its area of influence.

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  • During this week, the students of the training to learn the fisherman’s profession have started the fishing baptisms, experiencing the profession in first person in the different fishing boats of theConfraria de Pescadors de Palamós.

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  • On Tuesday, May 16, the training: How to act in case of accidental capture of sea turtles, organized by the CRAM, took place at 17:30 at the Confraria de Pescadors de Palamós. This was followed by the release of the accidentally captured turtle that has been recovering at CRAM.

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  • The OPP – Organizació de Productors de Palamós will participate in the 29th edition of the Seafood Expo Global, which will take place at the Gran Via exhibition center of the Barcelona Fair from April 25 to 27. The OPP wants to take this opportunity to present the project in a professional environment and sector, as is the SEAFOOD, which also coincides in dates with the upcoming opening of our fish workshop. This project, which has been key for the OPP, will allow us to bring fresh, quality, local fish to schools and hospitals.

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  • The OPP is one of the entities that implement this training, which is a new proposal from the Regional Council of Baix Empordà, the School of Nautical and Fishing Training of Catalonia, the Cofradía de Pescadores de Palamós, the Generalidad of Catalonia and the European Union – Fondo Europeo Marítimo y de la Pesca-. This free training seeks to promote maritime trade among young people, to reverse the lack of generational replacement. If you like the sea, fishing can be your job.

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  • We will be at the Palau Firal de Sant Antoni de Calonge on Tuesday 28 February and Wednesday 01 March for the Offices and Professions Exhibition. From the OPP, we strive to raise awareness of the profession of fisherman, and we believe that the show is the ideal venue for doing so. We are grateful to GALP Costa Brava for supporting this edition and to MIQUEL FERRES for his participation.

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  • Learn how to efficiently use navigation software The OPP we propose a new training session, specialized in navigation software by Frederic Algalarrondo. In this training we will cover the Timezero maritime navigation software, in a single session on February 28 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

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  • Management at Sea + Management in the Office = Efficient Management From the OPP we bring you a new workshop proposal by Marta Ponsa and Joan Ponsa. In this training, we will deal with the business management of fishing boats in a monographic format, in a single session on February 24 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.

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  • A turtle that was rescued by the Concha boat a few weeks ago will be released next Tuesday, 7th February. A sea turtle was accidentally captured by the Palamos boat Concha on 5th December last year. Following that, CRAM – the Centre for the Recovery of Marine Animals – was notified and the protocol for the recovery of these species was activated.

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  •   1 January to 1 March is the closed period for the Palamós trawling fleet. All trawlers are banned from fishing during this period. This closure is included in different management plans: ✔️ Stoppage plan for the trawling fleet with home port in Palamós. ✔️ Management Plan for the Palamós Red Prawn This closure affects the fishing of local products such as red shrimp, white shrimp and prawns, which will not be available in the fish market until March, when the closure ends.

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  •   The OPP offers you a new training programme, led by Toni Bardera, to learn how to manage emotions and enhance assertive communication, resistance and resilience. 🔹 Emotional management 🔹Assertive Communication 🔹Resilience 🔹Resilience Get ready to face the fishing challenges that are coming up in 2023. 📌 The training will take place on 13, 20 and 27 of January 2023 from 10am to 12pm at Casa del Mar. ✏️ Registration at

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  • Yesterday, Wednesday 30th of November, the inaugural lecture of the Pulpit of Maritime Studies was held at the UDG, where the great work of Doctor Joan Lluís Alegret as director of the pulpit throughout his career was recognized. Elsa Lloret gave a presentation on the preservation and packaging of fish and seafood.

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  • The restaurant "La Jovita" in Calonge, a customer of Palamós' fish market, will be part of the TV program "La Sobretaula", an audiovisual project born to promote local cuisine, to give awareness of the wealth of the country and the local producers, and to discover corners of Catalonia with gastronomic, cultural and historical interest. Frnacesc Benaiges Samarra, the vice-president of the Fishermen's Guild of Palamós, will take part in the recording of La Jovita's episode, which will take place on December 2nd.

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  • From November 7th to 9th we participated in the Barcelona Gastronomic Forum to publicize our product, our work, the Espai de Peix and spread the word about little-known species and the fishing culture of Palamós. A great experience! Until the 9th we were at the fairgrounds of Montjuïc, where we occupied stand 12-13 of the Prodeca area. In this context, on Monday at 11am we did a demonstration of Palamós fish cuisine through a show cooking by local chefs Tomàs Brull and Pol Cabanas, who prepared a dish with canna and shrimp and a rice with octopus, canana, brown bullhead and shrimp. To conclude the Gastronomic Forum, on Wednesday morning we had a Palamós shrimp carpaccio tasting at our stand, by Toni Izquierdo Gourmet, a company certified with the Marca de Garantia. This participation in the Gastronomic Forum is part of Measure 4 of the 2022-23 Production and Marketing Plan of the Palamós OPP: Market knowledge, marketing and promotion of fishing.                    

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  • The main objective of Measure 3 of the Production and Marketing Plan is to provide assistance to the members of the OPP and training in relation to fisheries legislation, the promotion of sustainable fishing practices and on-board safety and training in these matters.

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  • The OPP will set up a fish handling facility in order to prepare the product for sale. This facility will be built in the port facilities on a 1,132--square--metre plot provided by the Ports of Catalonia to the Palamós Fishermen's Guild. Part of the production will be destined for sale to local schools and health centres.

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  • The OPP has contracted a company from Galicia, experts in fishing digitalisation, with whom it is working to create its own database containing all the data necessary to carry out any type of procedure. This database is expected to be completed by the end of 2022. A mobile application for shipowners and seafarers is planned for the beginning of 2023.

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